[civievent_widget title=”Special Drawing Group” wtheme=”divider” divider=” | ” limit=20 summary=0 event_type_id=23]

Join us for a very special drawing opportunity!
Stacia and her new baby Felix will be our models.
Pre registration appreciated in case of last minute cancellations.

Greetings to all our Art Friends!
It’s Autumn and the ArtiFactory has resumed its regular schedule of drawing groups and art exhibits. We are trying out a new venue for our “Long Pose” session in the dance hall at the PS1 Close House. The room on the second floor is perfectly suited for painting with all its north facing windows. Fabulous!
We have had a beautiful show of Candice Broersma’s artwork, an opening reception and a Downtown Gallery Walk featuring Candice, torrential rain, and a tornado watch. . . more

Free admission
ArtiFactory Gallery Open Saturdays | 1-3 pm
or by appointment
We held “Dance in the Alley” for the second time on a beautiful October Sunday. We had dance, live music, and painters in the alley. It was a glorious afternoon.

Our plein air painting group officially ended the season at the Hoover Museum in West Branch, but you may see us out painting the fall colors on some nice days.
Board member Andrea Gage completed her grant to bring plein air pop-ups to the people this summer. It was held during the city’s celebration “Get Outside” at City Park in a shelter full of people trying painting outdoors for the first time.

And lastly, we will be bringing foiling back for the season. Watch for the news of this workshop’s details. It will be exciting!
Things to Do
Deb Zisko is showing at the Hudson River Gallery in Coralville. Many of you remember Deb as a fixture at Prairie Lights. Her new work is quite a change from what you may have remembered. Her show, “Land Changes” runs until November 4.

Cedar Rapids Museum of Art will be removing the Byron Burford show, “Ringmaster” on the 29th. It is worth a visit! In the adjacent gallery is a show of miscellaneous pieces from the museum’s collection that intrigued the new director as she begins to familiarize herself with 125 years worth of works of art!
Opportunity to Exhibit
CRMA has put out an art call for Iowa artists. They want work about the Iowa landscape in all styles and media. Application deadline is November 10, so if you are interested check out the details on their webpage.
News from Afar
There is always a lot of interesting news from within the art world, but I have chosen just two to share this time. Last year I wrote about Jens Hoaning, an artist who had been commissioned to recreate two prior works for an exhibit in the Kunsten Museum of Modern Art. The works were to be covered in Danish kroner and meant to compare the difference between the annual income of an Austrian and a Dane. He delivered 2 huge blank canvases titled “Take the Money and Run”. The museum hung the canvases in the exhibition, then later sued the artist for breach of contract. They had provided all the money needed to create the work and the contract stipulated that it would be returned to the museum after the show. They had also prepaid the artist a fee. A court has ruled that the artist may keep his fee, but must give back the money. Alas it is all gone. The artist claims that it was unreasonable for them to expect a copy of old work and the new work is the real deal. The “Theft” is the art.

My last story is about the death of Fernando Botero, an artist from Colombia best known for his paintings of chubby people and though quite famous in his lifetime, was ridiculed by the art critics of the world. This may change. His latest work included paintings of American prison guards beating inmates in the American jail in Abu Ghraib in Iraq. That sort of puts him in the company of Picasso’s “Guernica” and Goya’s, “3rd of May”.

That’s all from me for now. Please send me any news you would like to share with our community of readers. Beppie

[civievent_widget title=”Figures in a Scene” wtheme=”divider” divider=” | ” limit=20 summary=0 event_type_id=15]
Watercolor is full of awe and wonder, by implementing color theory using only 3 colors mingling on a page to create beautiful muted values. We will overlap shapes, build strong compositions and learn basic techniques in proportion, dark flow and shading. We will have a model if we have 6 artists attending.

[civievent_widget title=”Body Parts” wtheme=”divider” divider=” | ” limit=20 summary=0 event_type_id=10]
Beppie Weiss will share her drawing experience of the human body. She has drawn and painted hundreds, maybe thousands, of portraits and people drawings, and will help you improve your own drawing skills. Our goal will be to understand how it all comes together, and be able to draw it with more accuracy.
[civievent_widget title=”Phil Dorothy Drawing Studio” wtheme=”divider” divider=” | ” limit=20 summary=0 event_type_id=7]
A life drawing group in memory of our dear friend, Phil Dorothy. An environment to practice the art of drawing from life. Bring your own drawing materials which can include graphite, charcoal, pastels or watercolors.
Please register for each session.
[civievent_widget title=”Long Pose Studio Group” wtheme=”divider” divider=” | ” limit=20 summary=0 event_type_id=11]
Join us in a new location at the PS1 Close House for the Long Pose Studio Group. Enter through the front door and proceed upstairs. Turn left at the top of the stairs and go to the dance hall. The model will maintain the same pose (with breaks) for the entire session. Bring your own drawing materials which can include graphite, charcoal, pastels or watercolors. Acrylics, water-based oils, and regular oils using odorless terpenoid will be allowed. We will be drawing from nude, partially clothed or dressed models. Must be over 18 to attend.

[civievent_widget title=”Plein Air Group” wtheme=”divider” divider=” | ” limit=20 summary=0 event_type_id=9]
You will need something to paint or draw with and something to do it on. Drawing materials can include but are not limited to graphite, charcoal, pastels, watercolors, water-based oils, solvent based oils or acrylics. The choice is yours. An easel is very handy along with a stool or lawn chair. Dress for the weather. Maybe a hat and sunscreen. Don’t forget a sweatshirt or jacket just in case. Bring your own snacks and beverages. If the weather is bad we will cancel or you may want to try painting outdoors under adverse conditions. It is up to you.