Austin Caskie » Artist Registry

Austin Caskie

automatic painting
Presentation: October 18, 2020 Website:
Photo of Austin Caskie

Biographical Info

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Austin Caskie is a painter and new media artist from North Carolina now living and working in Iowa City, Iowa. Austin Caskie earned a BFA in Art and Design at the North Carolina State University College of Design.

The Automatic Painting series began as an examination of generative art practices looking at the impact of machine learning algorithms on visual art. Using another process I created a body of work that handed over the powers of design and abstraction to a computer. I then applied my skills as an oil painter to take the computer’s vision and translate it into an oil painting. From there the scope of the conversation has expanded to encompass questions on craft, and the act of ascribing meaning to the results of randomness.”  

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Categories: Art in the Afternoon, On YouTube
Updated 11 months ago.