Artist Registry

Photo of Taissir Abdelgadir
textile printing
Presentation: June 21, 2020
Categories: Art in the Afternoon
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Photo of Thomas Agran
painting & drawing
Presentation: September 16, 2018 Website:
Categories: Art in the Afternoon
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Photo of Jeff Allen
drawing & en plein air painting
Presentation: July 21, 2019
Categories: Art in the Afternoon
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Photo of Eloy Barragán
video-dance & dance
Presentation: January 20, 2019 Website:
Categories: Art in the Afternoon
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Presentation: March 19, 2017 Website:
Categories: Art in the Afternoon
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Photo of Astrid Hilger Bennett
painted, printed and dyed textiles
Presentation: June 17, 2018
Categories: Art in the Afternoon
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Presentation: April 24, 2022 Website: Brink
Categories: Art in the Afternoon, On YouTube
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Photo of Chris Burd
ceramics, cast bronze, printmaking; intaglio, drypoint, lithography, silkscreening
Presentation: November 17, 2019
Categories: Art in the Afternoon
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Photo of Adam Burke
intermedia artist
Presentation: December 16, 2018
Categories: Art in the Afternoon
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Photo of Austin Caskie
automatic painting
Presentation: October 18, 2020 Website:
Categories: Art in the Afternoon, On YouTube
Updated 4 months ago. Return to top.
Photo of Mara & Nora Cole
Graphic Design, Painting, Theater & Music
Presentation: November 20, 2022 Website: maracolestudio
Categories: Art in the Afternoon, On YouTube
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Presentation: January 17, 2021 Website:
Categories: Art in the Afternoon, On YouTube
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Photo of Amy Dobrian
Presentation: February 21, 2021 Etsy Store: Etsy Store
Categories: Art in the Afternoon, On YouTube
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Photo of Janet Duffey
watercolor & photographs
Presentation: March 18, 2018 Website:
Categories: Art in the Afternoon
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Photo of Jan Friedman
dyeing, weaving & sun prints
Presentation: March 17, 2019
Categories: Art in the Afternoon
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Presentation: April 24, 2022
Categories: Art in the Afternoon, On YouTube
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Photo of InterDance
Presentation: September 19, 2021 Website:
Categories: Art in the Afternoon, On YouTube
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Photo of Cheryl Jacobsen
calligrapher and assemblage artist
Presentation: November 15, 2020 Website:
Categories: Art in the Afternoon, On YouTube
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Photo of Emily Jalinsky
printmaking, mixed media, intaglio copper etching, watercolor, embroidery, & drawing
Presentation: May 19, 2019
Categories: Art in the Afternoon
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Photo of Kevin Kelley
Presentation: November 18, 2018 Website: Kevin Kelley’s IMDB Website:
Categories: Art in the Afternoon
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Photo of Léonard Kibala
acrylic painter
Presentation: December 20, 2020 Website: Kibala Art
Categories: Art in the Afternoon, On YouTube
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Photo of Chucho Loria
architectural sketching
Presentation: July 19, 2020
Categories: Art in the Afternoon, On YouTube
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Photo of Emily Martin
sculptural & movable artist’s books
Presentation: October 21, 2018 Website:
Categories: Art in the Afternoon
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Photo of John McGlinn
acrylic on paper & hardboard, linocuts
Presentation: October 20, 2019 Website:
Categories: Activity Book, Art in the Afternoon
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Photo of Jennifer Miller
sculptural ceramics, site-specific installations, & 2-D illustrations
Presentation: December 15, 2019
Categories: Art in the Afternoon
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Photo of Marilyn Moore
wire & wire cloth baskets & jewelry
Presentation: January 21, 2018 Website:
Categories: Art in the Afternoon
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Photo of Mary Moye-Rowley
pen, pencil, paint, pastel & Photoshop
Presentation: July 15, 2018 Website:
Categories: Activity Book, Art in the Afternoon
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Photo of Elizabeth Munger
printmaking, artist books, installations, paper & fiber art
Presentation: September 15, 2019 Website:
Categories: Art in the Afternoon
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Photo of Jo Myers-Walker
Presentation: May 20, 2018 Website:
Categories: Activity Book, Art in the Afternoon
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Photo of David Noyes
Watercolor, Ink & Pastel
Presentation: July 17, 2022
Categories: Art in the Afternoon, On YouTube
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Photo of James L. Ochs
printmaking, painting, and drawing
[Postponed]: March 15, 2020 Website:
Categories: Art in the Afternoon
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Photo of Thia Rolfes
wooden toys
Presentation: December 17, 2017
Categories: Art in the Afternoon
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Photo of Karen Rushton
Presentation: April 15, 2018
Categories: Art in the Afternoon
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Photo of Omer Sanan
drawing and watercolor
Presentation: October 23, 2022
Categories: Art in the Afternoon, On YouTube
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Photo of Sara Slee Brown
layered digital imaging
Presentation: June 9, 2019 Website:
Categories: Art in the Afternoon
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Photo of Jason J. Snell
multidisciplinary artist
Presentation: April 18, 2021 Website:
Categories: Art in the Afternoon, On YouTube
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Photo of Aaron Stephens
abstract drawing
Presentation: November 19, 2017
Categories: Art in the Afternoon
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Photo of Claire Thoele
illustrator & graphic designer
Presentation: May 16, 2021 Website: Website: Etsy Store
Categories: Activity Book, Art in the Afternoon, On YouTube
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