PO/ART/RY | Apr 5


In honor of National Poetry Month, The ArtiFactory presents PO/ART/RY, an exhibit of art and poetry in combination, exploring the spaces in which they connect and interact. The exhibit displays various intersections: artists writing poetry, artists incorporating poetry into art, artists and poets collaborating on work that merges, and emerges from, both. These combinations are not exhaustive but representative of the multitude of dynamic exchanges that visual, verbal, and – through dance – mobile arts can create together.
The exhibit runs through April. The gallery is open on Saturdays from 1-3 p.m., during theatrical performances, and by appointment. Admission is free. There will be an opening reception with poetry reading and a dance performance on Friday April 5 from 6-8 p.m.

  • Date : 04/05/2024
  • Time : 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm (America/Chicago)