June Artist: Tim Linden, Metalworker and Sculptor


The Artifactory and Beadology are pleased to announce that our June artist for the Art In the Afternoon program will be  Metalworker and Sculptor, Tim Linden.

tim_linden1Tim Linden is a local metalworker with over 35 years of experience in the industry. Tim worked as an exterior sheet metal fabricator for ASI Sheet Metal in North Liberty for 22 years.


Tim now owns and runs Tim Linden, Inc. pursuing his own sculptural work and providing metal fabrication to artists and architects in the area.


ART IN THE AFTERNOON is a monthly artist talk / workshop, typically held on the 3rd Sunday of each month. This series focuses on introducing local artists to the Iowa City community. Refreshments are provided.

2:00 PM, Sunday, June 12 at Beadology, 220 E. Washington