2017 First Prize – Bean Field by Rose Korty
And the winners are . . .

A gallery of all the entries. All artwork will be on display at the 2017 Johnson County Fair (July 24-27). Final Sales will be July 27th at 9 pm.

Sponsored by: the Johnson County Agricultural Association and The ArtiFactory, a project of Arts Iowa City
‘Paint-Iowa’ – Entry Fee: $25. All two-dimensional artwork will be for sale with 50% of sale price going back to the artist. Sales will be live or silent auction. All artwork will be on display at the 2017 Johnson County Fair (July 24-27). Final Sales will be July 27th at 9 pm.
- Ages: 16 on up
- Media: Oil, acrylics, pastels, or watercolor(no collages or photography)
- Theme: Rural Iowa
- Size: minimum 8” x 10” framed…maximum 24” x 36” framed
- Original piece of work: created between April and July 2017
- Prize money: 1st place $200, 2nd $100, & honorable mention $50
- Return finished artwork: The framed artwork must be turned in to the JCAA office by July10th, 2017
Contact: johnsoncofair@gmail.com or call 319-337-5865 www.johnsoncofair.com * 4261 Oak Crest Hill Rd SE * Iowa City, IA 52246
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